WEC 47 was an interesting night of action for all MMA fans – and especially this oddball who happens to be an orthopedic surgeon.

The now-ex-champ Brian Bowles suffered a hand fracture early in the fight, and according to the Ohio Athletic Commission, he didn't answer the bell for the third round (with urging from his cornermen). I felt bad for the kid; all that hard work out the window.

We've seen it many times before. It happens in fighting. I thought to myself, "Give him a few months to heal, and he'll be back. No controversy there."

Boy, was I naïve!

Then I let curiosity get the better of me, and I took a look at the discussion threads (which I swore that I'd never do again). Wow! The MMA blogosphere was crucifying Bowles – and that is putting it as nicely as I can. Bowles was having his manhood, heart and sexuality questioned and maligned. The comments were plentiful and brutal to say the least.

As a fan, I've seen (via TV) Bowles fight bravely on several occasions, and never once did I question his courage. I picked against him more than once, and he quickly made a fool of me. That young man from Athens, Ga., took the MMA world by storm.

Fans who will never fight under any circumstances (much less get into the cage with a superbly skilled opponent who is capable of dismembering them) will quickly comment that "Bowles is a wuss" because "so-and-so continued to fight with a broken hand." I love Urijah Faber, but he'd be the first to tell you that doing so with Mike Brown at WEC 41 was not the smartest thing that he ever did.

As an orthopedic surgeon, I realize how painful and tricky a hand fracture can be. I also realize the career-ending risks that are involved with continuing to fight another two to three rounds with such an injury. I cannot even begin to tell you the number of fighters who have seen their very promising and lucrative careers impacted or ended due to recurring hand issues related to a fracture.

Bowles is a top-10 bantamweight and a pound-for-pound elite MMA athlete – not a gladiator. His goal should be to win championships and maintain his career at a high level for as long as possible in order to make as much money as possible – then retire and enjoy his family, good health and money.

MMA is fraught with injuries, but needlessly destroying his body for the amusement of fans is not in his best interest.

The superbly conditioned, professional athlete Brian Bowles made the correct decision to end the fight and live to fight another day. He is a 29-year-old star at the top of the game with a very bright future. If he stays healthy.

Brian, stay healthy, listen to your doctors treating this injury, and come back stronger than ever. You did the right thing!

War Bowles.