We are a newer site when it comes to MMA Forum but we may bring the most mature members. If you like Sherdog, just call us a douche bag and move on, this isn't for you. But if you would to talk MMA, speak your mind without the fear of being call a douche bag, maybe you should come on in. We push the respect side of it first, above everything else. Respect for the fighters and respect for the other members. We may not and do not always agree but believe or not, we a capable of disagreeing WITHOUT calling each other douche bags. We talk MMA as if we were drinking a beer together and it's not all that hard. The bad ass hardcore keyboard tough guys are not welcomed here and quickly removed but they actually hardly ever show up. It seems like Sherdog brings out the worst in a lot of us, myself included.

So I ask, if you have not signed up with MMACrypt.com, why not. I've created an open poll for all to vote.