Sunday, May 2, 2010
10:00am - 2:00pm
5400 Westbury avenue, Montreal, QC H3W 2W8

Get your tickets NOW!!! Seating is limited and based on a first come, first served basis.
The GSP Foundation and the YM-YWHA presents...Georges St-Pierre Lutte pour la jeunesse.

Welterweight MMA champion Georges St-Pierre is a true role model for youth. Hear him speak about his training strategies, his passion for mixed martial arts and his committment to youth advocacy.

Meet & Greet, Brunch, Autograph Signing, Giveaways
Full tax receipt. Proceeds to benefit youth programs and scholarships.

Tickets: $275.00 (10% discount for YM-YWHA members)

For corporate sponsorships please contact:
Natasha Currie-Blitt at 514-737-8628 ext. 228

For tickets please contact:
Sara Miller 514-737-8628 ext. 258